Our goal is to empower you to develop positive fitness habits. Our fitness staff are here to help you feel comfortable and succeed in our facility, whether joining a class for the first time or adopting a strength and conditioning routine in our fitness centre for the first time.
Personal Training
Our certified personal trainers provide 1:1 coaching and support. They specialize in understanding your goals and your unique fitness level, including any limitations, to build a safe and effective plan to build strength, mobility and endurance.
Sessions are 45 minutes. Suitable for all, from Beginner to competitive athlete.
Personal training rates:
- Individual: $47.75 +HST / session
- Pairs: $56.20 +HST / session
- Small Group (max 5): $99.90 +HST / session
To register contact Andrea - AJames@bracebridge.ca
Fitness Orientations
All pass and membership holders qualify for a free fitness orientation. Staff will provide an orientation to the Fitness Centre, showing which machines and equipment are available in the wellness centre, how to use equipment safely, provide an overview of our fitness class options, and answer any other questions you have.