While each of the various Community Improvement Grant/Loan Programs has their specific eligibility criteria, this page covers the general criteria that must be met for all programs.
- All proposed projects must generally achieve the goals and objectives for community improvement as identified in the Bracebridge Community Improvement Plan.
- The proposed exterior design of buildings, including signage, must be consistent with any applicable Façade and Signage Guidelines, Urban Design Guidelines or Site Plan Guidelines.
- The total of the Grants and Loans provided to an applicant (where applicable) shall not exceed the eligible cost of the community improvement project with respect to those lands and buildings.
- The property owner shall not have any property taxes in arrears, or any other outstanding municipal accounts receivable at the time of application.
- The property owner shall satisfy any outstanding work orders (building, fire, zoning, etc) issued by the Town on any properties owned within the Town prior to funding approval.
- Proposed projects must be in accordance with all applicable District and Town policies, bylaws, provisions, standards and guidelines (unless there is an active application for an
Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment that is associated with the lands subject to the Financial Incentive application). - Property owners and tenants, to whom the owner has provided written consent for the application, are eligible for financial incentives unless otherwise specified by the individual Financial Incentive Program description.