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Community Improvement Plan

Community Improvement Plan

Through a Community Improvement Plan (CIP), the Town of Bracebridge offers a series of financial programs available with a combination of grants and loans designed to leverage private sector investment to stimulate development and redevelopment. CIP programs provide up to 50% of the total cost of eligible projects including building, property, signage and façade improvements, energy efficiency retrofits, housing improvements, and more. 

Depending on the area of the community that your business is located, you may be eligible for more than one program. Applicants may be approved for up to two programs per year.

Please note that the project work cannot commence until after your application has been formally approved.

While each of the various Community Improvement Grant/Loan Programs has their specific eligibility criteria, this page covers the general criteria that must be met for all programs.

  • All proposed projects must generally achieve the goals and objectives for community improvement as identified in the Bracebridge Community Improvement Plan.
  • The proposed exterior design of buildings, including signage, must be consistent with any applicable Façade and Signage Guidelines, Urban Design Guidelines or Site Plan Guidelines.
  • The total of the Grants and Loans provided to an applicant (where applicable) shall not exceed the eligible cost of the community improvement project with respect to those lands and buildings.
  • The property owner shall not have any property taxes in arrears, or any other outstanding municipal accounts receivable at the time of application.
  • The property owner shall satisfy any outstanding work orders (building, fire, zoning, etc) issued by the Town on any properties owned within the Town prior to funding approval.
  • Proposed projects must be in accordance with all applicable District and Town policies, bylaws, provisions, standards and guidelines (unless there is an active application for an
    Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment that is associated with the lands subject to the Financial Incentive application).
  • Property owners and tenants, to whom the owner has provided written consent for the application, are eligible for financial incentives unless otherwise specified by the individual Financial Incentive Program description.

The following conditions and restrictions apply to all Financial Incentive Programs:

  • Where required, in accordance with the financial Incentive Program descriptions, owner(s)/tenant(s) must match the Town's financial contribution.
  • Projects must be complete in accordance with applicable planning approvals and required permits.
  • Completed projects must be consistent with the original project description provided by the applicant and approved by the Town, supporting materials and any applicable program agreement.
  • Applications must be submitted to the Town and approved prior to commencing any community improvement works.
  • A landowner or tenant may apply for two (2) different financial incentive programs per calendar year provided that the incentive program has been put into effect by the Town at the time of application.
  • A landowner or tenant may apply and be approved for multiple financial incentive applications for individual properties over the life of the plan.
  • Funding approvals will lapse if a notice of completion is not issued within twelve (12) months of the date of execution of the Financial Assistance Agreement.
  • The Community Improvement Implementation Committee (CIIC) may grant an extension for community improvement works following receipt of a written request by the owner setting out the reasons for the extension.
  • The Town of Bracebridge reserves the right to discontinue these programs at any time.
  • Grants will be provided on a one-time basis upon successful completion of the approved project, to the satisfaction of the Town.
  • Loans will be reflected on the Tax Roll and may be registered and discharged by the Town in accordance with the Planning Act, the Municipal Act, the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act.
  • Loans will be interest-free with a maximum period of five (5) years. Loans are fully open and may be repaid in full at any time prior to the end of the term, without penalty. Repayment of the loan will be calculated based on a maximum five (5) year period commencing on the first anniversary of the approval of the Financial Assistance Agreement between the Town and the owner(s) and annually on the anniversary date thereafter until paid in full.
  • Prior to the sale of any property, the owner must arrange to have any outstanding loan balance repaid to the Town

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