Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant/Loan
Available to all eligible properties within the CIP area
The Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant/Loan Program offers grants and loans to eligible industrial property owners for retrofits that improve the overall energy efficiency of buildings that are within the Bracebridge Community Improvement Project Area. The purpose of the program is to promote energy efficiency retrofits to buildings by property owners and annual energy savings that otherwise may not occur due to cost premiums associated with these improvements.
Funding Opportunity
The Town provides up to 50% of the approved energy efficiency retrofit costs for eligible buildings, to a maximum of $10,000. The maximum municipal contribution for the improvements would be a $5,000 interest-free loan and a $5,000 grant.
Prior to approval by the Town, industrial applications for the Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant/Loan Program will require documentation to verify that any of the original equipment listed below will be replaced by higher efficiency equipment. Applications will be subject to review and verification by the Chief Building Official or designate. The Town of Bracebridge reserves the right to reject any proposed retrofit activity that will not obviously result in energy savings.
Eligible energy efficiency improvements will include (but not be limited to) the following, as determined by the Town:
- Improvement to a building envelope, such as insulation upgrades, weatherization, and window and door replacement
- Installation of energy efficient lighting systems
Contact Us
Town of Bracebridge
1000 Taylor Court
Bracebridge, ON P1L 1R6
Phone: (705) 645 5264