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Historical Displays

Community members, business owners and history buffs are encouraged to help us celebrate Bracebridge's vibrant history by showcasing their historic items and artifacts. This could include photos, vehicles, equipment and other Bracebridge memorabilia that help tell the town's story.


To register a Historical Display at the Bracebridge 150 Community Celebration and Showcase, please review the details below and complete the online registration form including a description of what your display will include, and photos the show your items.

There is no charge to display, however registration is required. 
If you have any questions, please contact the Economic Development team.

Historical Displays

  • Historical Displays (vehicles, equipment, other memorabilia) will be located outside near the grounds of the Muskoka Pioneer Power Association.
  • Although there is no cost to participate, those contributing to the display are required to register as well as to provide information related to the historical significance to the community.  This will help with the placement of displays on the celebration grounds.

  • Setup begins at 7 a.m. on Saturday, June 7. All setup must be completed by 9 a.m., and non-contributing vehicles must be out of the historical display area by 8:30 a.m.
  • It is recommended that displays be accompanied at all times between opening hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both Saturday, June 7, and Sunday, June 8. Overnight security will be provided by the Bracebridge 150 Committee.
  • All vehicles/equipment and other displays must remain in the show area for the duration of the show 
  • Late arrivals (after 9 a.m.) must park in the parking lot and carry their goods to the booth.
  • Exiting from the historical display area is allowed after 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 8.
  • Participation may be available for one day only, please include that request in the display description area of the registration form. One day participation is at the discretion of the organizers.

  • There is no charge to display, however registration is required.
  • To register your historical display at the Bracebridge 150 celebration, complete this form.  A description of what you plan on bringing to the show is required.  One or more photographs should be included as well.
  • Should you have questions contact the Bracebridge 150 organizers through the Town's Economic Development Branch email.

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