Passengers with bags or backpacks are asked to be considerate of other passengers while manoeuvring on and off the bus. While seated, bags should be held on the passenger's lap. Bags, backpacks and other personal items may not occupy a seat or block aisles and exits.
Riding With Us
Riding with Bracebridge Transit means you're sharing space with other passengers and our operators. Here are some basic etiquette tips to help make everyone's trip as enjoyable as possible:
When there is space and when other passengers will not be affected, shopping buggies and other large articles may be allowed on the bus at the operator's discretion. The operator has the authority to refuse such objects at any time that he/she feels safety may be compromised.
Dangerous Items, Materials or Carrying Containers
For the safety of the public, firearms and other weapons are not permitted on Bracebridge Transit vehicles, shelters or stops. Toxic, flammable or hazardous substances or materials are not permitted with the exception of medically necessary materials. Individuals found with these items in their possession may be asked to leave the bus or Bracebridge Transit property. If the item is deemed as a threat to others, the proper authorities will be notified.
If you are going to eat or drink while riding with Bracebridge Transit, please be tidy and take your garbage with you to properly dispose of in a garbage or recycling bin. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on the bus and in all Transit shelters.
Travelling with bags, parcels, laptops, strollers or other items is acceptable on Bracebridge Transit, but please remember to keep them tucked away as much as possible to keep aisles clear so people can move through the bus safely and easily. Please keep free seats clear of items and available for someone to use.
Bracebridge Transit is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bus passes. The owner is responsible for replacing these items at their expense.
All lost items that are found by transit staff will be kept up to 30 days. If you believe you lost an item on the conventional bus or mobility vehicle, contact Bracebridge Transit Customer Service at 705-645-8444.
Talking on your cell phone is acceptable behaviour while riding the bus, but keeping your conversation quiet means you aren't sharing it with the rest of the bus. For your own privacy and for the courtesy of other passengers, please keep your voice quiet.
Passengers using audio/visual equipment are asked to use earphones and adjust the volume accordingly so as to not disturb other passengers or the operator, and as determined by the operator.
Exercise courtesy towards the driver and passengers alike. Refrain from engaging the driver in unnecessary chit-chat when the bus is in motion. Do not 'hover' behind or beside the driver's seated area.
Operators have the authority to deny passengers the right to board vehicles or remove any passenger who may be causing a disturbance or damaging the vehicle.
Passengers on Bracebridge Transit vehicles and at shelters or stops are not permitted to wear inline skates or roller skates or to use skateboards. These items should be removed and safely held at all times to prevent them from becoming a hazard. Ice skates should have ice guards or be properly enclosed in a bag. Large recreational items likely to inconvenience or jeopardize the safety of other passengers, such as bicycles, will not be permitted inside the bus cabin but instead can be transported on the bus using the bike rack, which is available on a first-come first-serve basis.
Bike Racks
There is no extra fare cost to board your bicycle on Bracebridge Transit using the bike rack. The bike rack is available on a first-come first-serve basis.
The bike rack can accommodate 2 bicycles with wheel sizes of at least 50 cm (20 inches). If your bicycle does not fit on the bike rack, you will have to find another way to travel.
The bike rack is user-friendly and only requires a few steps in order to secure your bicycle correctly.
Rack n' Roll - Guide to Loading and Unloading the Transit Bike Rack
Operators have the authority to deny passengers the right to board vehicles or remove any passenger who may be causing a disturbance or damaging the vehicle. Respectful behaviour includes but is not limited to the following:
- Shirts and shoes must be worn while riding a Bracebridge Transit bus.
- Passengers must refrain from using profanity.
- Riders my not interact rudely with the operator and other passengers or behave in an aggressive or intimidating manner.
- No horseplay is permitted, and feet are to be kept off of seats.
Passengers who require the support of a service animal are permitted to bring their service animal on to Bracebridge Transit vehicle. For the safety of all passengers, service animals must be securely leashed and under the care and control of the owner at all times. An operator may ask for confirmation of service animal certification. When service animals are present, please remember:
- Do not distract or interact with the animal. It is a working animal and must pay attention at all times.
- Be aware of the service animal and give it enough space, and avoid stepping on or bumping the animal.
- Respect the other person's need for the animal.
Note: Non-service animals and pets are not permitted on Bracebridge Transit vehicles.
Smoking is strictly prohibited on any Bracebridge Transit vehicles and future shelters.
Storage of Assistive Devices or Mobility Aids
Where room is available and safe storage is possible, transit operators will ensure assistive devices/mobility aids are safely stored and secured within the bus.
Walkers, canes, etc. should never obstruct the free flow or safety of other passengers in the aisle or entrance/exit area of buses. Persons using crutches, walkers, or other mobility aides are requested to fold or stow the aid in a safe place and out of the way.
The bus has at least two seats that fold up. This area can be used by passengers traveling with strollers.
The bus operator will fold and unfold these seats as required. However, should this seating area be marked as Priority Seating and a passenger with a disability boards the bus, they will be given priority for this space.
The boarding and unloading of a stroller is the responsibility of the passenger. For the safety and well-being of young children in strollers, as well as other passengers and the operator, these guidelines must be followed:
- Passengers may park strollers in the wheelchair accessible area only if the area is NOT required by priority passengers. If space allows, seats should be flipped up so that the stroller can be parked out of the aisle. Passengers with strollers must vacate these seats if they are requested to do so by passengers with priority requirements.
- If the front seats are unavailable, passengers with strollers are asked to move to the rear of the bus. Once the stroller is parked, passengers should lock the wheels of the stroller and remain in firm control of it at all times.
- The stroller should not obstruct the aisle or impede the flow of passengers.
- Strollers too large to fit comfortably down the centre aisle, or that result in passengers not being able to access seats or exits, must be folded and stowed at the front or back of the bus as space permits. Large strollers should be no more than 34 inches in width to board the bus entrance.
- If a stroller must be folded, children should be seated or held securely on an adult's lap.
- Play buggies, plastic pull-along carts and wagons are not permitted at any time.
- Strollers may be denied if they will limit passenger access once on board the bus. Passengers should be aware that if the bus cannot accommodate their stroller, they may need to wait for a later bus or choose an alternate form of transportation.
When taking the bus during snowy or icy weather
- Find out where to get service information. Conditions can change quickly. Before you leave, get the latest updates. Check Transit Alerts, 99.5 MOOSE FM, Country 102 or call 705-645-8444 for more information.
- You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get news on service.
- Plan more time into your commute. You may need to take an earlier bus to arrive to your destination on time when weather conditions are not ideal.
School Bus Cancellations
Service will continue if the area school buses are cancelled.
Bracebridge Transit is an important public service and every effort is made to maintain service during winter months. If service is not possible due to severe weather, notices will be shared via Transit Alerts, the media, Facebook and Twitter.
Some tips that can help make your ride more comfortable
- Buses may slide on snow as they approach the curb. Stay on the curb until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Especially on dark winter mornings, it's important that you make yourself visible to an approaching bus. Wear light-colour clothing. Signal your presence with a small blinker light or flashlight.
- Although the ride will be warm, your trip to and from the bus stop may not be. Put on an extra layer - even a short wait at your stop can be dangerous if you're not dressed for the weather. If the temperature on your bus isn't right, please tell your driver so the problem can be fixed or reported to repair staff.
- If your bus is late, remember that your driver is doing his or her best to make sure you arrive at your destination despite bad road conditions.

Contact Us
Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
No service on Sundays or Statutory Holidays
Phone: 705-645-8444
Bracebridge Transit is fully operated by Hammond Transportation Ltd.