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Transit Accessibility

Bracebridge Transit offers a variety of options for residents with reduced mobility to help provide everyone the freedom and independence to travel safely throughout the Town.

Individuals who use a cane, a walker, a wheelchair or scooter can use the accessible low-floor conventional bus, Ride the Wave. Those who cannot board the bus due to a physical disability may register with Bracebridge Mobility, to travel to and from their destinations with greater ease.

To help keep the conventional bus on schedule, it is important that boarding, securing, and exiting the bus is completed as quickly as possible.

Boarding the Bus

  • Riders must be four to five feet away from the front door of the bus, allowing for adequate clearance before entering the bus.
  • Upon request, Transit Operators will provide assistance to secure passengers who travel in a wheelchair. Operators will not be lifting individuals. Persons needing additional assistance should travel with a support person.
  • Priority and courtesy seating is available at the front of the bus for persons with reduced mobility, including seniors and those using a wheelchair or scooter. These seats are available on a first come first serve basis.
  • Transit Operators will assist the safe and careful storage of mobility aids used by persons with disabilities.

Boarding the Bus with a wheelchair or scooter

  • When boarding the conventional bus, keep back at least 1.5 m (5 feet) from the front doors so the ramp can be safely extended. Passengers using a wheelchair or scooter are required to board independently and position their mobility device inside the bus, or bring an attendant to assist them.
  • The maximum size of a wheelchair or scooter, including all attachments, on a low-floor bus is 71 cm (28 inches) wide, by 122 cm (48 inches) long.
  • With the wheelchair or scooter in a forward facing position, the securement system must be fastened. Transit Operators will assist with frame belts and a lap belt is provided if your wheelchair or scooter doesn't have one.
  • Power to electric wheelchairs or scooters must be turned off, and wheelchair brakes must be applied.

Exiting the Bus

  • When you are approaching your bus stop, press the yellow stop to signal the Transit Operator.
  • Once the bus has come to a complete stop, please move to face the front of the bus and proceed to the safety line on the bus floor.
  • Stay behind the safety line on the floor of the bus until the ramp has been completely lowered by the driver.
  • Move onto the ramp facing forward and exit the bus.

Exiting the Bus with a wheelchair or scooter

  • Customers travelling in a wheelchair or scooter will notice a yellow touch strip on the edge of the flip-seats. Pressing this strip will notify the Transit Operator that you wish to exit the bus at the next stop.
  • The Transit Operator will assist with the removal of the securement system and where necessary deploy the ramp for exiting.

On the low-floor conventional bus, the 2 front seats can be flipped up to accommodate up to 2 persons in wheelchairs/scooters. If the bus is full, or is already carrying 2 customers who use a wheelchair or scooter, the Transit Operator may not be able to pick up another customer using a wheelchair or scooter.

  • Move forward down the aisle and back into the wheelchair space provided.
  • The driver will ensure that the lift-up seats are raised.
  • Back into the secured space and fasten the safety strap across your chest.
  • Make sure you lock your brakes.

The securement belt system provided on the bus is mandatory and service can be denied if securement is refused. Transit drivers will assist with attaching and removing the securement system only.

For the safety of our operators and for your safety, operators cannot provide assistance for boarding, positioning or exiting the bus. If you need assistance, please bring a friend or an attendant with you.

Low-floor service allows people with reduced mobility the freedom and independence of using public transit services.

A low-floor conventional bus has no steps at the front door and the bus is also equipped with a driver-controlled retractable foldout ramp, which when folded out to the curb makes for a virtually flat entrance into the bus.

The bus has a capacity of 19 passengers including seating areas that can be modified to accommodate 2 standard wheelchairs.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires priority seating be designated for seniors and peoples with disabilities. These seats, found near the front of the conventional bus, are reserved for passengers who are disabled or have a physical limitation requiring priority seating. Passengers are reminded to offer these seats to individuals in need of priority seating.

Priority Seating on BracebridgeTransit (in order of priority):

  1. People using mobility aids such as wheelchairs and scooters.
  2. Persons with disabilities, seniors in need (age 65 or older), people with walkers.
  3. Children in strollers & bicycles. Note: children in strollers and bicycles will be accommodated, however, should anyone noted in priority (1) or (2) require the accessible seating area, you will be asked to move to another seat. Play buggies such as plastic pull-along cars, wagon carts and strollers not carrying children are not subject to the same privileges.

Priority Seating

Priority Seating is for the use of passengers with a disability. These seats are located close to the front of the conventional bus.

Customers are expected to respect and obey the purpose of the designated seating area. If you are sitting in one of these designated seats, you MUST vacate the seat for a passenger with a disability. 

Please note:

  • A person with a disability occupying a Priority seat is not required to move for another customer with a disability. Use of these seats is on a first come-first served basis.
  • You are not required or expected to leave the bus in order to make room for a customer with a disability.
  • Bus drivers/operators will not intervene to enforce the requirement. We ask, however, that you show consideration for those whose need is greater than your own.

Courtesy Seating

Courtesy Seating is intended to provide additional seating for people who will benefit from having a seat near the front of the conventional bus including:

  • seniors
  • expectant mothers
  • adults traveling with infants or small children
  • any other passenger who may benefit from a seat.

If you are sitting in one of these designated seats, please respect its purpose and give up your seat to those who need it.

Please note:
Drivers/operators will not enforce this requirement or intervene in any dispute related to Courtesy Seating. We ask, however, that you respect this designated seating area and show consideration for those whose need is greater than your own.

If the conventional bus is full, or is already carrying two customers in wheelchairs, the driver will not be able to pick up additional wheelchair customers. The driver will stop the bus and inform you that secured areas are occupied and will let you know when the bus will arrive.

Bracebridge Transit drivers are concerned about the safety of their passengers. Drivers have been trained to provide the safest and most efficient service. Training includes safe operation of the ramp system and an understanding of customer needs. Please ask your driver if you have any questions.

If you require a support person to accompany you on the conventional bus or Bracebridge Mobility, you may apply for a Support Person Transit Card Application Form which allows someone to travel with you for free in order to assist you during your journey.

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