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Downtown Master Plan

Downtown Master Plan

Image for Reimagine Downtown Bracebridge

In 2021, the Town of Bracebridge completed a 2-year Downtown Master Planning process focussing on Bracebridge's downtown area and specific properties including the current arena and library sites as well as lands purchased by the Town from Northern Buildall, now known as the lands where Rona operates or as identified in the plan as the "Lands Above the Falls". 

On October 30, 2021, Council ratified General Committee Motion, as follows:

  1. That the Bracebridge Downtown Master Plan completed by Brook McIlroy, attached as Appendix “A” to Staff Report PD053-21, be approved
  2. That the recommendations and information contained in the Bracebridge Downtown Master Plan be used for future planning purposes for Bracebridge’s Downtown Area. (PD053-21)

As noted in the direction from Council as projects are developed through annual budgets and business plans, the Downtown Master Plan recommendations will be used to focus projects and initiatives.


Staff Report - PD053-21 (Background and Recommendations)

Presentation to Council, September 21, 2021

Downtown Master Plan





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