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Fire Danger Rating

Current Fire Danger Rating - Moderate

Last Changed: April 2, 2024, 9:05 a.m.

fire danger rating moderate

About the Muskoka Fire Danger Rating

The Fire Danger Rating is a Muskoka-wide rating system monitored from April 1 to October 31 each year. This is the Forest Fire Danger Rating for Restricted Fire Zone RFZ 27 (District of Muskoka). The rating is verified daily and updated whenever the rating changes.

The Muskoka Fire Danger Rating is determined using the Fire Weather Index (FWI), an internationally used method for determining the risk of fires in open air. It uses several factors to determine the risk of the forest to certain fire types, such as:

  • Relative humidity;
  • Temperature;
  • Previous 24-hour rain amount;
  • Wind directions and wind speed; and
  • Forest fuel type.

From this calculation the Forest Fire Danger Rating is made in consultation with the Fire Chiefs of the six area municipalities and the Ministry of Natural Resources.

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What do the ratings mean?

Fire danger ratings range from low to a complete fire ban depending on conditions. Daytime burning is not allowed at all from April 1 to October 31, no matter what the rating is. 

Rating Details
Low Low danger of fire.  You may conduct any municipally permitted fire activities.
Moderate Moderate danger of fire. Carry out permitted fire activities with caution. 
High Only absolutely necessary municipally permitted activities should be carried out. However, it is recommended that no burning should occur. A total fire ban may be in place.
Extreme Absolutely no burning of any kind should be carried out. Total fire bans may be in place.
Fire Ban When the fire danger rating is high or extreme, the municipality may choose to issue a total fire ban. During this time, burning and fireworks are not permitted.

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