- Building new residential dwellings
- Building a detached garage or accessory structure, other than a shed, 160 square feet (15 square meters) or greater (measured to the outside face of exterior walls)
- Building a shed that meets any of these criteria:
- More than 161 square feet
- More than one storey
- Attached to another structure
- Used for any purpose other than storage
- Contains plumbing
- 23+ feet to the peak height of the shed
- Building an attached carport or other roof structure of any size
- Building a porch or deck greater than 24 inches above grade
- Finishing the basement of a house
- Adding a bedroom to the basement
- Constructing an addition to a building
- Building an enclosure for a swimming pool with a depth of 24 inches or greater (including temporary or inflatable)
- Creating a duplex (in-law suite, accessory apartment, granny flat)
- Adding or moving plumbing fixtures
- Removing a load-bearing wall, column, lintel, or beam
- Re-insulating walls, ceilings, or floors
- Adding a wood stove or wood-burning fireplace
- Installing a new window or door, or increasing the width of the existing opening
- Building a retaining wall that is greater than three feet and three inches in height, pending location
- Mounting solar panels to a building that have a face area of five square metres or greater
- Installing or altering a septic system
- Installing site servicing (water or sewer lines) for all building types
- Demolition of residential buildings with residential units and of structure greater than 10 square metres (108 square feet) in building area
- Tent or group of tents that is, more than 60 square metres (646 square feet) in aggregate ground area, attached to a building, or constructed within 3.0 metres (9'-10") of any structure
- Changing the heating source in an existing building (ex. Electric baseboard heaters replaced with forced air gas, or vice versa)
- Industrial, commercial, institutional, and multi-residential construction or alterations or changes of use
Building Permits
A building permit ensures the minimum standards of the Ontario Building Code are met in order to protect the health and safety of building occupants by regulating design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy of buildings and structures.
- Before starting any work on a project, you must obtain a building permit or ensure that one has been issued.
- Please note that no structures of ANY kind are allowed on a vacant lot.
- The Zoning By-law must be followed even if you do not require a building permit.
Apply for a building permit
Before applying for a building permit, review all of the details you need to have to submit your application below.
The Town of Bracebridge uses PSD Citywide for digital building permit management. With Citywide you can conveniently apply for and track the status of your building (and septic system) permit application form anywhere, at any time. The platform enables you to initiate an application and resume it later, while also receiving email notifications regarding the progress of your permit application.
Building Fees are found in the Building By-law.
Projects that require a building permit
Projects that do not require a building permit
The following are examples of work that do not require a building permit and are exempt from building code regulations which are outlined below. It is important to recognize that this compilation is not comprehensive, and decisions should be made based on specific situations and conditions of the project. Even if the building permit is not required, adherence to the Town of Bracebridge Comprehensive Zoning By-law is necessary.
- Building a shed that meets all of these criteria (Exempt under section 8 of the Act):
- Smaller than 161 square feet (15m2) in gross area
- One storey in building height
- Not attached to, or supporting, any building or structure
- Used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot
- Does not have plumbing
- 22 feet to the peak height of the shed
- Complies with Zoning By-law
- Interior finishes such as new flooring, paint or decaling, cabinets, and counter tops
- Replacing windows and doors, where the size of the opening and location is not changing
- Structural support for the opening is unaffected and
- No new exit created
- Skylight Installation in Existing Building
- Building is a house or small building (3 storeys or less)
- Installation doesn't require removal of more than one rafter, joist, or similar
- structural member (excluding truss)
- Re-shingling a roof, provided existing shingles are removed (no structural work required)
- Replacement of exterior siding
- Repair and replacing a plumbing fixture with the same type, in the same location
- Decks less than 24" (600mm) from grade without a roof
- Re-cladding of house, garage or accessory building
- With non-combustible material (excluding brick or stone veneer)
- Installing an eavestrough system where drainage will not affect other properties
- Adding or replacing insulation
- Replacing a Furnace or Boiler in house
- Installation of additional system in house
- Cooling systems, gas fireplaces, air cleaners, in-line humidifiers, hot water tanks, or water tanks
- Sump pump installation
- Retaining Wall
- On private property, not accessible to the public, or;
- Height less than 1 metres at all locations
What you need to apply for a building permit
To prepare a building permit application, follow the steps outlined below:
- Identify the applicable laws for your property. Check out the zoning requirements by contacting the Planning Department at Planning@bracebridge.ca.
- Site Plan showing location of all buildings and septic systems on the lot. Including the distances to the Property Lines, Front Yard, Setback, Side Yard (both side) and Rear Yard.
- Locations to other building on the lot
- Location to Hydro Lines or any other hazards on the lot
- Entrance to the lot
- Create precise and to-scale working drawings that detail the proposed construction accurately. For guidance on the necessary drawings and their specifications. Including:
- Foundation Plan: examples showing footing sizes, pier footings, locations, laminated beam size and spacing etc.
- Floor Plans: example showing rooms sizes, window sizes, chimneys, and ventilation system etc.
- Cross Section: examples showing foundation depth, foundation type (block or solid concrete etc.) foundation damp proofing, foundation drainage, foundation slab, footing sizes, sill gasket, anchor bolts (spacing), joist size, subfloor size stub sizes and spacing, insulation, vapour barrier, interior, exterior finishes, roof type, sheeting, shingles, and venting etc.
- Please note that under the Ontario Building Code there is an exception for the owner to create their own drawings provided the design falls within the scope of Division C part 9. However, if the drawings are below standard or missing information, the owner will be asked to revise or hire a designer who carries the qualifications as required by the Ontario Building Code.
- Complete all applicable forms. Ensure to include the Applicant and Owner contact information where applicable.
- If the building application is signed by an agent, it requires a letter of authorization from the owner granting permission to the agent to act on their behalf.
- Proof of property ownership is necessary when there are discrepancies in municipal records.
- Once your application is submitted, you will receive an automated confirmation email. A Building Services Technician will contact you in regards to fees owing and how to make payment. Building fees are calculated as per the current Building By-law and Fees. Fees are due prior to the permit application review process.
- Please monitor your email closely as you may receive a request for additional information from either the Building Services Technician, Planning Technician or Building Inspector regarding your application.
New build structures also require an energy efficient design summary with the application.
Permit Issuance
Permits are usually issued between 10 to 20 business days if the application along with accompanying drawings are complete and the proposed construction meets all legal requirements such as zoning regulations, Ontario Building Code and the other requirements.
Demolition Permits
Demolition permits are mandated by the Building Code for all structures exceeding 15 square meters (160 square feet), excluding those situated on farms. Demolition permits are required when a buildings footprint will be decreased. This may be the entire building or only a portion of it. Exterior walls must be included in the scope of work. The permit’s objective is to uphold public safety standards and ensure proper disconnection of building services.
All Demolition permits application require, Site Plan, application and applicable schedules completed in full.
Important Contacts
· Zoning Requirements
- Town of Bracebridge Planning Department
- 705-645-5264 x 3525
- planning@bracebridge.ca
- Comprehensive Zoning By-law & Amendments
Entrance Permits
For property adjacent to the Muskoka River
- The District of Muskoka- Flood plain mapping, 705-645-2100, or
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Services, 705-746-4201
Submit a locate request to identify buried infrastructure
- Ontario One Call
- 1-800-400-2255
Properties adjacent to a provincial highway
Electrical Inspections and Permits
- Electrical Safety Authority
- 1-877-ESA-SAFE (1-877-372-7233)