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Development Charges

Development Charges are one-time fees paid by developers to help pay for the upfront capital costs required to extend municipal services to new developments including roads, bridges, storm sewers, community centres, parks and facilities.

The principle behind development charges is that growth should pay for growth. Development Charges are used by most municipalities in Ontario and ease the financial burden of growth-related capital costs on existing taxpayers. Without them, the cost of growth-related infrastructure would fall entirely to existing property owners through higher property taxes. 

On June 12, 2024, the Council passed a new Development Charges By-law No. 2024-034 under Section 2 of the Act which came into effect on July 4, 2024, and applies to all new residential and non-residential development.  Indexing of rates is required by the most recent twelve-month change in Statistics Canada Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index for Toronto.

Residential Development Charges

Item Current Rate

Single Detached, Duplex and Semi Detached (per unit) $8,316

Multiples (per unit) $6,807

Apartments – 2 or More Bedrooms (per unit) $5,846

Apartments – 1 or Less Bedrooms (per unit) $4,488

Non-Residential Development Charges

Item Current Rate

Commercial, and Institutional $3.93 / square metres


The Development Charges Act, 1997 provides municipalities with the authority to pass by-laws to impose Development Charges. The Act and Ontario Regulation 82/98 require that, prior to passing a Development Charges by-law, municipalities must prepare a Development Charges Background Study that includes the following elements:

  • The forecasted amount, type and location of future development;
  • The average service levels provided in a municipality over the 15-year period immediately preceding the preparation of the background study;
  • Capital cost calculations for each eligible Development Charge service; and
  • An examination of the long-term capital and operating costs for the infrastructure required to service the forecasted development.

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