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The Town uses a Standing and Advisory Committee structure to assist Council in dealing with municipal matters.

To learn more about Committee roles and responsibilities or to apply to sit on one of the committees, review the Terms of Reference for all Committees and Boards.

View the Council and Committee Calendar for agendas, minutes and webcast.

To speak at a meeting, visit the Delegation and Presentation page.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees make recommendations for Council to review and approve.

General Committee is composed of all members of Council. This Committee makes recommendations to Council on matters coordinated by Corporate Services, Finance, Fire, Public Works, Recreation and the Bracebridge Public Library.

General Committee meetings are held at 9:00 a.m., every third Tuesday. Special Meetings may be requested by the Chair, as required.

View the Council and Committee Calendar for agendas, minutes and webcast.

Planning and Development Committee is composed of all members of Council. This Committee makes recommendations to Council on matters coordinated by the Planning Services, Building Services and Economic Development Branches of the Planning and Development Department.  This includes all public meetings under the Planning Act.

Planning and Development meetings are held at 7 p.m. every third Wednesday.

View the Council and Committee Calendar for agendas, minutes and webcast.

Advisory/Statutory Committees

The Town encourages citizens to participate in their community by volunteering for a position on one of its Advisory/Statutory Committees.

The Town's Advisory Committees report through the appropriate Standing Committee based on the subject matter.

Statutory Committees and Boards are established under the authority of provincial and/or federal legislation. Their structure and responsibilities are governed by the terms of their specific statute.

  • Community Improvement Plan Implementation Committee
  • Community Recognition Committee
  • Public Art Advisory Committee
  • Town of Bracebridge and Gol kommune, Norway Friendship Committee

  • Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Committee of Adjustment for Consents
  • Committee of Adjustment for Minor Variances/Property Standards Appeal Committee
  • Muskoka Compliance Audit Committee

To contact one of the Standing or Advisory Committees, contact the Corporate Services Department.

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