Compliance Reports
The Town of Bracebridge offers a number of Compliance Reports related to building, septic systems and land use that include:
- Building and Zoning Compliance Report
- Sewage System Compliance Report (septic report)
- Zoning Confirmation Letter
- Agreement Compliance Report
Building and Zoning Compliance Report
document that provides details regarding issued building permits on file, the status of inspections, and any outstanding orders. It also offers information with respect to the zoning designation, permitted uses, and any planning approvals for the property.
A Building and Zoning Compliance report does not include any details regarding agreements registered on title (or unregistered agreements with the Town). To obtain an Agreement Compliance Report, please contact the Planning Services Branch for instructions.
Sewage System Compliance Report
Provides details and available documentation regarding the Septic Use Permit issued for the property.
Zoning Confirmation Letter
A letter from the municipality confirming whether a specific use is permitted at a specific property. Requests for Zoning Confirmation are typically made for specific purposes such as Ministry licencing, Financing, etc.
Make a Request
- A minimum of ten business days are required to process a request.
- The Compliance Report will be emailed to you at the email address indicated on the form.
Rush Requests
A rush request is a request for a report within 48 hours. Rush reports may be available upon request subject to available staff resources and payment of the additional rush fee. Please contact Planning Services prior to making this request.
Application for Property Compliance Report Contact Planning Services
Fees and Payments
Fees are outlined in the Town's Fees and Charges By-law, as well as on the request form, and are based on the zoning and/or use of property (i.e. residential or commercial/industrial/institutional). Payments can be made by cash, debit or cheque at the Municipal Office, 1000 Taylor Court.
Credit card payments are available subject to an electronic processing fee.