A zoning change (also known as a Zoning By-law Amendment or Rezoning) may be required to use or develop a property in a way that is not permitted in the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Council approval is required, but a change can only be considered if the new use is allowed under the Town's Official Plan.
Prior to making an application to amend the Zoning By-law, staff strongly encourage a pre-consultation.
- Submit a complete application, including all fees and background studies at the time the application is submitted.
- Applications are circulated to Town departments as well as interested external agencies and departments for comment.
- Applications are circulated to nearby property owners as required under the Planning Act.
- A public meeting is held for nearby property owner to provide comments on the application and for the Town's Planning and Development Committee to learn more about the application.
- Staff prepare a report and presentation for the Town's Planning and Development Committee that includes:
- All agency comments;
- Property characteristics and features;
- Policies that apply to the property;
- Staff's recommendation on the application.
When considering a Zoning By-law amendment, Council evaluates the application based on specific criteria, including:
- Conformity with the Official Plan and compatibility with adjacent uses of land;
- Suitability of the land for the proposed purpose, including the size and shape of the lot(s);
- Adequacy of vehicular access, water supply, sewage disposal; and
- The need to ensure protection from potential flooding.
After hearing all comments and concerns, Council may decide to pass, change or reject the proposed Zoning By-law amendment. Subsequent to any decision, there is the right to appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.