What is a pot hole?
A pot hole is a type of failure in a road surface that typically is caused by a combination of traffic and water saturating the soil material under the road.
On a paved road during a freeze thaw cycle, the water will expand causing the road to crack. This then allows more water to enter the base material causing further loss of material. Eventually, the asphalt layer over these divots collapses, creating potholes. Similarly, a gravel road may become saturated with water and as vehicles travel over the surface the finer materials in the gravel are lost allowing a pot hole to develop.
Should you notice a pothole that needs immediate attention, please contact the Public Works Department at 705-645-5264 ext. 3650 providing the following information to assist crews in locating the pothole:
- Name of street
- Direction and lane (i.e., northbound, right lane)
- Address of the closest building to pothole
- Cross street information, if available
- Size of pothole
Who is responsible for repairing pot holes?
The responsibility to ensure roads are in a good state of repair is shared between the Province of Ontario, the District Municipality of Muskoka and the Town. Roads are classified (Class 1 to 5) based on traffic volumes and speed. Each class of road has a specified number of days in which to make repairs.
Submitting a pot hole claim?
When making a claim against the Town for pothole damages, it is important to note that the Town will not be responsible for your property damage if it has met the Provincial "Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways" (MMS), Ontario Regulation 239/02: MINIMUM MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR MUNICIPAL HIGHWAYS, as amended by Ontario Regulation 366/18.
You are required to submit a claim within 10 days of the date of the incident.
What if your claim is denied?
If records show that MMS service levels were met, your claim will be denied. The Town will outline the results of the investigation in a letter and provide you with the report that justifies the denial.
It is important to know that the majority of property damage claims made against the Town of Bracebridge are denied as the Town regularly meets or exceeds the standard levels of service.
For more information regarding the claims process, please contact the Director of Finance/Treasurer, Paul Judson at 705-645-5264 ext. 3300.